Resources include:
•Halloween facts presentation, facts posters, story starters, Character and scene flashcards, Fact cards for discussion, 4 in a row game, finger puppets, Picture fans, Bingo game, Sight word sentences and word cards to match, Question posters, Word fans, Key word cards, 5 minute timer, counting activities, Matching cards game, Jigsaws, face masks, Colouring pages, book marks, bowling game, worksheets, alphabet flashcards, running game, maths worksheets and activities, word searches, throwing games, board game, quiz cards, writing tasks, shape nets, loop cards, long banner, crossword, drawing activities, number flashcards, memory cards game, maze, rhyme, finger puppets, craft activities, colouring pages, treasure hunt, speaking game, song props, and many other resources.
Resources include:
•60 face masks – A4 size, bright and colourful, ready to print onto thin card or paper and laminate for repeated use
•35 face masks for pupils to colour in themselves
•85 finger puppets – colourful and cute ready to print onto thin card or paper
•30 hand puppets – pupils to put their hands inside the mitten shaped puppets, or attach lollipop sticks to hold
Common phrases in French – flashcards showing English and French
Days of the week flashcards in French and English
Months of the year flashcards in French and English
Sort the days activity worksheet
Maps – Travel - Geography
Maps of the world
Maps of Canada
Maps of the Arctic circle
Map and city cut and stick task
Photos of planes from different countries
Airport open and closed signs
Tour guide badges for role plays
Departure board for airport role play
Letters to add to departure board
Blank luggage tag to complete
Flight ticket to complete
Passport template to complete
Holiday shopping writing lists task
Treasure hunt task
Postcard to complete
Animals of Canada
Flashcards of different animals found in Canada
Arctic science words flashcards
Snowy owl information posters
Global warming writing task
Canada national anthem to read
Diary for a week in Canada activity
Dictionary definitions task
Story board to complete
Acrostic poem to complete
Alphabet flashcards on snowflakes
Themed writing borders
Blank thought and speech bubbles to complete
Write a letter to a soldier activity
Sentence writing task
Writing booklet cover to keep pupils work together
Number flashcards on Canadian flags
Count the flags quick lesson starter
Addition game
Higher level addition game
Subtraction game
Size order and measuring task
Counting and matching cards
Odd and even flashcards with arctic hares and walrus images
Make a tipi task
Colour in bingo game
Colour the flag task
Draw some Canadian clothes task
6 animal face masks
Bags and tags map reading task
Draw and colour a flag
Design a new flag
Draw your favourite Canadian things activity
Throwing and catching game
Reward chart to complete
Word search
Matching pairs card game
Colouring pages
Food flashcards – of foods typically eaten in Canada
Draw a lunchbox to take to school in Canada
Colourful frames to frame pupils work for display
Canada quiz
Drawer, binder, folder covers and labels
Resources sack tag to keep resources organised
100 A4 flags from around the world
Banner spelling Canada each on small triangles including maple leaves
Extra large flag to display (3xA4)
Extra large letters to spell Canada
Long banner to head wall display
Photo pack of scenes and things to see around Canada
Large key word flashcards
Display borders to edge display
Useful images to add to display
Pizza shop sign, signs for around the pizza shop – such as salad bar, drinks area, pay here, opening times etc, large lettering, long banner, parking bay signs, takeaway boxes labels, key word cards, photo pack, hygiene signs, buntings, flags, special offer signs, ingredients cards, food flashcards, menus, face masks, writing activities, stock ordering form, word search, staff badges, display borders, price cards, invitation to party, kitchen utensils matching cards, design and drawing tasks, money to use, money poster and quiz, cut and stick activity, addition game, maze, bingo game, other resources.
Over 100 files including activities in the following areas:
Communication and Language
Expressive Art and Design
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Physical Development
Understanding of the World
Organising Resources
A great set of A4 flashcards / posters with multicultural characters. The children have varying skin tones and some have glasses.
Numbers 1 to 100 are included.
Included are small number cards (approximately 6 by 6 cm) to use for sorting activities or numeracy
The posters and cards can be printed smaller or photocopied larger so you can create a display of any size.
A long banner is included to head your wall display if needed.
The resources are included in a pdf file and can be used on a computer screen or IWB if you don’t wish to print them.
Resources included are as follows:
Each poster is A4 size, with a face and the name of the emotion. Each emotion has 3 different posters – in 3 skin tones and can be used for a multicultural display as well as one about emotions.
Posters include the following emotions:
Happy, sad, angry, scared, excited, tired, surprised, embarrassed, nervous (Total 27 posters)